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February 16, 2024
LTB Statement of Concern: The Numbers Speak for Themselves

There is little justice to be found for Ontarians who have to turn to Ontario’s busiest tribunal – the Landlord and Tenant Board. The LTB has been failing badly since 2019, when the current Government began removing its experienced adjudicators and moved the LTB under the leadership of Tribunals Ontario, a mega-cluster of tribunals. The […]

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May 10, 2023
Statement on the Ombudsman’s Report on the Landlord and TenantBoard

On May 4, 2023, the Ombudsman released his report on the massive delays and application backlog at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), one of the tribunals within Tribunals Ontario. The Report, entitled “Administrative Justice Delayed, Fairness Denied”, follows a 3-year plus investigation that commenced in January 2020. The Ombudsman detailed extremely serious concerns about […]

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May 10, 2023
The Crisis at the Landlord and Tenant Board Background information

In this report, we compare the performance of the Landlord and Tenant Board as it was in 2018 with how it now, based on the Board’s Annual Reports and data from the Board’s website. According to its most recent Annual Report, published in July 2022, the Landlord and Tenant Board in 2021/22, as compared to […]

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April 14, 2023
Tribunal Watch Ontario Statement on New Funding for the Landlord and Tenant Board

Tribunal Watch Ontario is pleased that the Ontario government is increasing Tribunals Ontario’s budget to allow the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to increase its staff, including bringing on stream 40 new adjudicators over the next year. This new funding is intended to empower the Board to address the scandalous backlog that forces landlords and […]

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December 14, 2022
Justice Denied: The Access to Justice Crisis at Tribunals Ontario

The crisis continues in some of Ontario’s most important adjudicative tribunals. Tribunals Ontario posted its 2021/22 Annual Report on its website in September 2022, documenting the state of its 14 tribunals as of March 31, 2022, the end of its fiscal year. This latest Annual Report demonstrates that several key Ontario adjudicative tribunals are failing […]

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March 10, 2022
Access to Justice in Crisis: Tribunals Ontario in 2022

Imagine if you will: If you applied to Tribunals Ontario for a remedy in any of these situations, you can now expect to wait months or even years for a hearing and final decision. In many cases, you will wait months for your tribunal to take even basic preliminary steps to move your application forward. […]

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November 29, 2021
Tribunal Watch Survey: Summary of Responses to the Survey Regarding the Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario

Tribunal Watch Ontario is a public interest organization with a mission to monitor Ontario’s judicial tribunal system, advocate for adjudicative independence, and promote access to justice. We monitor new appointments to ensure that candidates are selected following a competitive process and advocate for appointment and reappointment processes that are inclusive, transparent, merit-based, and free from […]

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August 10, 2021
Statement of Concern: Access to Justice Threatened at the Landlord and Tenant Board

Tribunal Watch Ontario is deeply concerned about the quality of justice currently being delivered at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Ongoing delays in the processing of applications, inexperienced adjudicators, as well as hearing-day inefficiencies caused by the LTB’s new digital hearing format, are creating hardship for tenants and landlords across the province. However, Tribunal […]

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March 29, 2021
The “Digital Transformation” at Tribunals Ontario: The Impact on Access to Justice

Synopsis In the continuing 2020/21 public health crisis, it has become important for all jurisdictions to explore innovative ways to deliver justice, including administrative justice. More specifically, the expanded use of digital or electronic hearings has become essential, and increasingly, is accepted as an important option to maintain after the pandemic, where it can promote […]